Top 5 Free Windows Apps

Top 5 Free Windows Apps

So, this is a blog post on 5 free windows apps I think everyone should be using. Windows users have a huge selection of free apps to choose from. So what am going to do is choose 5 free apps I think everyone should be using and then list a few more apps that I think are also really good, also free but are more specialized. That too may not apply to everyone depending on what you do or what you don’t do.



With the current builds, Avast does a better job at detecting current malware than AVG but AVG is currently less tasking on your system. You really can go along with either of them, I prefer performance if I were to choose, I will go with AVG.

If you are wondering, Microsoft windows defender isn’t perfect for detection and when it’s running there is a measurable performance hit

#2 Ditto


Ditto is a clipboard manager which kind of store all the stuff you copy using Ctrl + C, so if you copy a selection of text and then later on you copy more text, ditto stores it all onto a clipboard manager.

Really useful for development and just about anything. If you have never used one before, install it. They are very light weight and pretty useful

# F.lux


It’s a program that adjusts the color temperature of your screen base on the time of the day. So during daylight hours your screen looks completely normal but as sun sets, the blue hue get reduce on the screen which makes it more comfortable for your eyes.

It a little bit weird at first because the stuffs looks very really warm and orange but you get used to it and once you do, your computer usage at night is just easier on your eyes.

#4 IObit Uninstaller

IObit Uninstaller
As name suggests, it’s an uninstaller program. It pretty simple, the user interface is good and it just does what it says it does. It just cleanly uninstalls your applications.

#5 Notepad++


Instead of using something super basic like notepad that comes with windows, there is something called notepad++. It is basically an advanced version of notepad.

A lot of the features are geared toward developers. There is syntax highlighting and you can have multi-editing but a lot of the features are awesome for regular people. You can zoom in and out of your documents and my favorite is that you can have different tab opened.

So the apps that we have listed so far are just some apps that everyone should use or I think everyone should be able to use.
The next 5 are little more specific.


It’s the best of the team chat programs. You can also run it from a web browser and you even send people link that instantly brings them into you channel. It also tells you what games your friends are playing and if they are online. If you are not using this yet, you should switch.


It’s a screen capture program

Hitfilms and Davinci Resolve

If you are looking to edit videos and you want something more rich than windows movie maker, my top picks are Hitfilms and Davinci Resolve.
Hitfilms has more features with regards to effects like if you want to add any kind of visual effects and it basically supports any kind of video format.


If you are looking for a free Photoshop type program or if you just want something better than MS paint, there is GIMP which is a pretty powerful photo editor but windows users are lucky and also have access to So I have used but of these, GIMP is more powerful and has access to a lot more features.

If you are new to photo editing or digital illustration, I will highly recommend It is a fantastic program and I think for like 99% of people who have used it, you will be able to do whatever you want to do with a photo editing program.

Hardware Info

It an app for people who want to keep track of their system. So if you want to see your processor use, memory usage, temperature and so on, it does really good job. It can monitor your system extensively and of all the ones I have tried, I think this is the best overall package.

That is about it, if you guys learned a thing or two because of this blog post, I will love to hear about it. If you didn’t learn anything that is pretty sad but let me know down in the comment if you knew of these apps to begin with.

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