15 Student Websites That Will Help You in School 2017

15 Student Websites That Will Help You in School 2017

There will be time while you are in school that you need a little assistance whether you are a student in grade school or college. You may find yourself needing help learning a course or studying for a big task.

While in college you face more challenges like finding cheaper textbooks or finding the right professor for you. Thankfully, there are useful websites that can help you out if you are a student.

Today I will show you 15 websites that will help you out while you are in school.

#1 alison.com


It is an E-learning site founded in 2007 with more than 10 million users. Some of the courses are provided by major universities including MIT, University of Cambridge and Stanford University.

They have more than 800 free courses in several categories including IT, Science, Math, Marketing, Health Care, Finance and many others. If you need additional help with your course work in school, alison.com may be able to help you out.

#2 unigo.com


It is a website that matches students with colleges, scholarships and student loans. It is also a great place to find reviews and statistics of colleges you are considering.

It features top ratings in several categories along with reviews from students. Unigo.com is the site to go to when considering which college you will like to attend.

#3 Cheatography.com


It is a collection of cheat sheets submitted by users that can help you out when studying for a test. It is simple to use and in the search bar type in your subject and they will have a cheat sheet that is ready for use.

#4 thebookpond.com


It is a great place to sell your old text books that you no longer need. Also, it is a great place to buy new books too. You just have to put in the book title and where you study.

#5 plagtracker.com


It is an online plagiarism detection service that detects whether similar text appears elsewhere on the web. With many schools now using anti-plagiarism software and services, you surely don’t want to get busted for copying somebody else’s work. Before you turn in your next essay or written work, use plagtracker.com

#6 ratemyprofessors.com


Ratemyprofessors.com has been around since 1999 and is the most go to site before registering for classes. The site allows college and university students to assign grading to professors in more than 8 thousand schools.

When I was in school, I used this site to do research before selecting any of my courses and I believe it saved me from those terrible professors poisoning our campuses.

To increase your chances of getting the best possible professors for your courses, check out ratemyprofessors.com.

#7 quizlet.com


Quizlet.com is an online learning tool lunched back in 2007 that many of you have used. They now boost over 20 million monthly learners with more than a hundred and fifty million study sets. So you are sure to find the subject that you need help with.

It helps students to study with the use of flashcard and various games and tests. They also have an iOS and android app. So if you need help learning and studying, quizlet.com just may be the site to help you out.

#8 wolframalpha.com


Wolframalpha.com is a computational knowledge engine. The site can help with just about any subject. To find out what the site can do, just select any of the categories.

Wolframalpha.com is the site that every student should have bookmarked.

#9 tomato-timer.com


Tomato-timer.com is a timer that utilizes the Pomodoro technique which is a system design to work with time not against it. How it works is you study or work uninterrupted for a set period of time until the ringer goes off and allow yourself a short break.

You can also customize the settings by selecting Settings and you can change the sound, volume, and set custom time.

#10 stackexchange.com


It is a network of questions and answers website of various topics. If you select all sites, you can see all the websites on their network which is quite a few.

Stack Overflow is the big dog here if you need help with computer programming. You can search every stack exchange site just by using the search function at the top or you can go to the homepage of these sites listed just by selecting them and select visit site.

The next time you have a question that you need the answer, visit stackexchange.com

#11 ed.ted.com

TEDed lessons

It features lessons in several categories and if you really want to dive into a subject, they have serious playlist just like YouTube consisting of multiple videos

#12 scholar.google.com

Google scholar

Google scholar whose website is at scholar.google.com is a web search engine that indexes scholarly literature. These include academic journals, books, conference papers and other sources which you will need with all of the essays you will need to write.

#13 studentrate.com


Studentrate.com specializes in providing deals and discounts for college students. You will find many national retailers listed here that can save you a few extra bucks

#14 Khanacademy.org


It is a nonprofit educational site created by Khan back in 2006. Whether you are in a grade school or college this is a great site with lessons in several categories including Math, Scientific Engineering, Computing, Economics and Finance, etc.

After all these years, Khanacademy.org is still completely free

#15 chegg.com


Chegg.com founded in 2005 is an online textbook company where you can buy or rent books. One lesson I can pass on to new college students is to shop around for your books because more times than not, you will be able to find a better deal that your school bookstore. Chegg.com also offers textbook solutions, expert Q&A and online tutoring which all cost extra.

That concluded this blog post, share this post if it helped you out by clicking on the social share icons. Let me know in the comment section if you know of a website that helped you out as a student that is not listed here.











